KLEI Absolute®Harmony Phono/RCA Plugs

KLEI have just released their new KLEI Absolute®Harmony Phono/RCA Plugs ... http://kleinnovations.com/kle-innovations-klei-products/harmony-plug/klei-absoluteharmony-phonorca-plug/

Sound: Exceptional Resolution, Extremely tight non-bloated deep/detailed/resolving Bass, Extremely articulate presentation, Conveys subtle nuances with amazing dexterity, Stage is spacious and envelopes the listener, Allows the full emotion of the music to be experienced, Superb dynamics and an excellent micro detail presentation, Displays delicate upper mid and high frequency detail/resolution and harmonic texture with precision and emotion, Delivers music with extremely low noise/distortion in a Warm Musical and Involving manner from an very very Black/Quiet Background.

Our testing, and reports received, show that the KLEI Absolute®Harmony when compared to the KLEI Pure®Harmony is Simply even Faster, even Quieter/Noiseless/Blacker Background, and more transparent, and has noticeably better PRAT, Decay, Timbre and Texture, Edge Control and Extension, Resolution, and Stage.

Yping - I have normally used my DIY cables, since they provide significantly better bang for the buck. But I have also tried Stager Silver Solids with the Canare, Eichman Silver Bullet, Copper Harmony and Silver Harmony RCA's - the latter providing the best performance on those cables.

Until I got the gZero10/Absolute Hamony - I used the gZero6 IC's on my analogue rig and my DIY IC's with the Pure Harmony on my digital rig.

I did compare the gZero3 IC's on a friends system that had some name brand high-end XLR Balanced cables containing silver conductors and we both thought the gZero3's conveyed better dynamics, more details, larger image and deeper and more controlled bass. I would think that gZero10's would probably yield amazing improvements on that system.

I have tried the following RCA's on my DIY cables and found each one in the list to perform discernibly better than the one before it...
- Canare
- Furutech with copper centre pin
- Eichmann Silver Bullet
- Copper Harmony
- Silver Harmony
- Pure Harmony
- Absolute Harmony (currently burning in)

I also replaced the Nakamachi RCA's on my silver litz one-piece tone-arm wire with the Pure Harmony and the improvements were staggering. They convey so much more information with a very neutral presentation. Again, they allow for more clarity, better and deeper bass, larger image etc...

The Absolute Harmony are on my IC's and completing their burn-in as I write this, but improvements were apparent immediately WRT deeper bass, clarity and a more focussed image.

FYI - I also have the gZero6 Speaker cables, which improved both the depth and control of the bass and the clarity in the mid and upper frequencies.

You could say I am heavily invested in KLE Innovations products, but the reason for that is they work extremely well and compared to many other boutique brands they are more affordable.

I also have found that quality power cables play a huge role in achieving the level of performance I now enjoy. I also make my own power cables, but if I were to use a brand name cable, the ones I would checkout are from Anticables. The use a braided architecture - an architecture which I have also tried and found to work very well.

I have heard that KLE Innovations are planning on introducing power cables next year, which I think will be giant killers.

Hope that answers your questions

Well, I've had a chance to review these RCA's on both my DIY Home Brew interconnects for a week or so and just today I switched a pair over to my Turntable.

The micro details and clarity these RCA's will bring to your system are absolutely superb. Along with that comes a significantly better defined image space, much crisper dynamics, an extended bottom end that has amazing depth and control, so they never sound bloated, just in control.

There is also a smoothness that comes into play especially in the upper register of violins, which can sometimes sound a little harsh. The sibilance on vocals is also superbly controlled and smooth also.

One place where these RCA's seem to shine is on my silver litz one piece tone-arm wire. The details they convey are nothing short of stunning.

If you have a turntable I would highly recommend getting these. You'll think you have replaced your cartridge with something much more expensive

If you already have the VDH Colibri or Koetsu Correlstone or something of a similar performance level then these RCA's will show you what these cartridges are really all about.

I have the Denon DL103 - and I have never heard details so vivid from this really affordable cartridge.

If you don't have vinyl, but have some serious single ended interconnects then give these a try - they perform equally as well and bring all of the same attributes to digital music.

They are so good they will bring your digital rig closer to an analogue sound - provided your rig is up to it :-)

Want more proof - take a look at the KLEI web site and see which cable/component manufactures are using the Harmony RCA plug line on their gear.

For example - just a few..
- Black Rhodium
- Origin Live
- ISOkinetic
- Anticables
- Gabriel Gold
- Signal Cable


There's also some pretty good reviews of their lineup on there also

Theyrrrrrrre GREAT!!!

Ooops - didnt' mean to sound like Tony the Tiger :-)
Williewonka, what other RCA plugs have you used so far on your DIY interconnects...