Got Static?


I am completely vexed and need some suggestions....

The problem: I am hearing occasional "ticks" which I believe are associated with static buildup in my system. The "ticks" occur randomly, roughly one to three times during the playback of a CD. I hear them during vinyl playback as well but it is sometimes hard to distinguish them from surface tics or pops. These "ticks" can sometimes be heard when the system is idling with the mute button disengaged--when the mute is "on" they cannot be heard. The frequency of the "ticks" appears to increase as the humidity level drops--the colder and dryer it is the more of them I hear. Thus, the problem is less of an issue in the summer (unless running the AC) and is pretty darn annoying in the winter. Sometimes, when I touch my gear I receive a small shock which is translated by the speakers. I have tried to ground my rack but this has not helped. Believing it may be a grounding issue I have also tried cheater plugs on my CD player and/or linestage--no change. The funny thing is I have been at this for 25+ years (with many different system configurations) and this issue has never been a problem until the last year or so--can't figure out why it has become one now.

Any ideas about WHAT is causing this and HOW to stop it? Anyone else have this issue?
Yes, I agree with Viridian that if you have a carpet in the room that could be the culprit.

So you might try getting your cables up off the floor with cable bridges or whatever nonconductive supports you choose 2" to 4" should work well.

Out here in AZ it's quite dry and I have carpet in my listening rooms. I also grounded the rack as you tried. If you have the components isolated from the rack then you can ground the rack and touch the grounded metal part of the rack with your finger prior to changing the volume or touching the components.

When things are dry and humidity is low I also try to go barefoot when I'm using the system as shuffling around in my socks also builds a static charge.

Good Luck!
I agree with Viridian to a point. If you spray that mixture on carpet it will attract dirt (like anything else). I would suggest that mixture sprayed on a rag then wipe down all your cables (not equipment). I use Nordost Eco 3X which is pretty expensive and very close to the fabric softener and water combo. You may even want to add 1 drop of dish soap to the mix.
Perhaps your heating system had humidifier that recently stopped working. You could just spray clean water on the carpet to wet it and humidify the room, but it would be better to buy cheap humidifier and place it next to your system. I would get one that boils water (not ultrasonic).

Grounding protect your gear by providing better discharge path to ground - a very good thing. Without it discharge current might travel thru circuitry. It does nothing for the static levels.

Be careful not to touch signal wires (input or output) and always touch grounded unpainted metal box first.
Have you changed any cables recently? If so, perhaps you have introduced a cable not as well shielded as what you had previously. I have experienced this with a cable that was picking up ticks from light switches turning on. That little bit of arcing at the switch creates an RF emission that can picked up by a cable (think antenna). Another source of RF ticks might be motors switching on--like your heater blower, etc.
I had a problem with static as well. I bought a 4" X 2" rectangular static discharge mat which I keep in the top of my rack. It grounds to the screw on the wall outlet. Before I touch the system, I tough the mat and it discharges the static. I get no static through my system now and I did before I started using the mat to discharge myself first.

If you think about it, when you build up the charge and just touch the system and get zapped, that discharge seems to do something to the system and you can get those annoying static sounds.

I bought it on-line a couple of years ago for like under 20.00. I find it indispensable. Don't remember the site, but just Google static discharge mats.