Should I repair my amp?

I need to make repairs to my Levinson 333.5 amplifier that will cost about $2,500.00. Do any of you out there have a learned opinion as to whether it is a good idea to spend the money or put the money toward a different amplifier. I have other Levinson equipment (CD player and preamp) as well. The amp drives B&W Signature 120 speakers.

Neosteo (JJB)
I just wonder what the basis of quoting you 2.5K to repair an amp they haven't even evaluated to see what the problem is. I agree with Bojack, THAT is outrageous. Has Levinson even looked at the amp?

From what I have heard, the price for repair is a number that covers the worst case scenario of what could be wrong. That way they can give you a flat price and always come out ahead. The up side to that method is there is no quibbling over the repair costs after the device is in the shop. The down side is pretty obvious... you are always paying for a full overhaul, no matter what the problem was.
Lots of well qualified techs out there. It's not quite rocket science.
As long as the tech can figure out the values for the bad parts.
Repairing an amp such as this is not that difficult. This amp had an issue with capacitors, that are easy to replace by the manufacturer or an authorized rep or a really good technician. It really isn't rocket science.

If you really liked the sound, keep the amp and repair it.

If you didn't like the sound, you still have to have it fixed before you sold it anyway. Unless you sell it as non working, which will result in you selling it for almost nothing.

Get it fixed and keep it. It really is a decent amp when the caps are replaced

Companies like Mark Levinson (not the original company) come out with "new" or upgraded products all the time which replaces the original stuff. This diminishes the resale value of the replaced/upgraded equipment greatly. Understand, upgrading equipment doesn't hurt the resale value much, because one can purchase it, send it in for an upgraded and be good to go. Example, Audio Research REF 5 can be factory upgraded to the REF5SE status.

Look. If you don't have money growing on trees in your yard like some people, then it will cost you much more to buy a new amp, at or better than this one.

You obviously liked the sound of this amp, so fix it.
