Adding a resistor in a parallel wiring system

I was inquiring about adding a resistor between the amplifier and a DIY speaker (1.8 ohm) and learned that only the "Zero Former" by Paul Speltz could solve the problem. Paul was nice and explained in layman's term to me why using a resistor could not work because it basically "kills" the damping factor.

Now I got a pair of zero's coming, I got another problem. 3 out of 4 drives are 8 ohm and one is 4 ohm. Will adding a resistor between just this drive and the binding post mess up the damping factor of the whole system, or will it only affect the damping factor of this one drive?

Ag insider logo xs@2xangelgz2
Problem (A).

I was inquiring about adding a resistor between the amplifier and a DIY speaker (1.8 ohm) and learned that only the "Zero Former" by Paul Speltz could solve the problem. Paul was nice and explained in layman's term to me why using a resistor could not work because it basically "kills" the damping factor.

Problem (A) solved by Paul Speltz using his Zero autotransformer.


Problem (B).

Now I got a pair of zero's coming, I got another problem. 3 out of 4 drives are 8 ohm and one is 4 ohm. Will adding a resistor between just this drive and the binding post mess up the damping factor of the whole system, or will it only affect the damping factor of this one drive?

Problem (B)?

Angelgz2, did you discuss with Paul Speltz how to solve this problem using his Zero transformer?


IF all 4 drivers were 8 ohms the easiest and cheapest way to connect them to the amp would be to wire them in a series / parallel configuration.

* First two 8 ohm speakers wired in series with one another. 8 ohm + 8 ohm = 16 ohms.

* Second pair of 8 ohm drivers wired in series with one another, = 16 ohms.

* Then parallel the two 16 ohm loads together which = 8 ohms. Connect the 8 ohm load to the amp.

I doubt you can return the Zero autotransformers for a refund. So you may be able to use them on the 4 ohm drivers. The transformer would be wired in series with one of the 8 ohm speakers. The 4 ohm speaker would connect to the output of the transformer.

If you can return the Zero transformers take part of the savings and buy a couple new 8 ohm drivers to replace the 4 ohm ones.
Clever thoughts, Jim (Jea48).

However, as you'll realize placing drivers or speakers in series will not produce good results unless the impedances of the drivers or speakers vary as a function of frequency in a similar manner. Which ideally means that they should be identical models. Otherwise the voltages applied to the series combination will divide up between the two drivers or speakers differently at different frequencies.

For that reason I suspect that placing an 8 ohm driver in series with a 4 ohm driver boosted to 8 ohms with a Zero is unlikely to produce good results. Also, we don't know how similar the three 8 ohm drivers are to each other.

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Al,

At this point we do not know how Angelgz2 is using the 4 drivers. Are they mounted in a common speaker box enclosure or are they spread around a room in the ceiling or in the ceilings of several rooms?

I checked with a good friend of mine that owns a B&M audio/video dealership. IF Angelgz2 is using the 4 drivers in the ceiling of a room or rooms the dealer recommends the Niles SS4 speaker switcher unit.
Another option is the SVC4 which allows individual speaker volume control.