Philadelphia area audio club?

Is there an active one, as is mentioned in the S. New Jersey thread? Anyone interested "in thinking about starting one"? Thanks.
Invitation - Choose a date...

Once again I offer an invitation to my house for those in the Philadelphia area who have an interest in getting together to share some music, listen to some different equipment and get to know one another. I am getting my record collection unpacked, so the vinyl selection here will be significantly more extensive this visit. Also, I encourage anyone coming to bring some of their favorite music to share.

I thought the best way to do this would be to propose some alternative dates and allow thread participants to express their preferences. So, please post your preference for a date or time from among the following alternatives, or contact me directly off-thread, and I will try to determine what the consensus appears to be and post the final date.

Saturday, January 25, either morning or afternoon
Sunday, January 26, either morning or afternoon
Saturday, February 1, either morning or afternoon
Sunday, February 2, either morning or afternoon
Saturday, February 8, either morning or afternoon
Sunday, February 9, either morning or afternoon
(Regrettably, weeknights do not work well for me.)

Please DO NOT post your phone number or address in this public area.

Best regards, Rushton
Hi there.
Thanks for hosting Rushton.
Any weekend morning works for me.
Any of those dates and times appear to work for me, but in general I prefer avoiding mornings, where possible, due to the commute from CC. Thanks. Hugh
I live in Voorhess, but I work in Philadelphia.
Would be interested in joining audio club.
Thank you.
My vote is for February 9th (preferably afternoon, since I'm not a morning person). I won't be back in Philadelphia until February 6th so only Feb 8th and 9th will work for me.

Thanks for organizing this, Rushton!
