Philadelphia area audio club?

Is there an active one, as is mentioned in the S. New Jersey thread? Anyone interested "in thinking about starting one"? Thanks.
I am interested in a possible audio and/or video club in Delaware. I would like to start one at my home if others would like. I live in central Delaware. is my address. I am also interested in any other activity in Delaware. I use 45 SET amplifiers with dual outputs and electronic filters that circumvent the need for speaker crossovers. I design and build my own amplifiers.
I have nothing against other approaches to sound systems; i.e. push pull amplifiers, horn speakers, and even solid state things.
Rick, we currently meet roughly every other month in the home of one member or another. While most of us live in the greater Philadelphia area, we have some members living further away. In fact, our next meeting is being hosted by a member in the Lancaster area in mid-March, and our last meeting in January was in New Jersey.

Our group is very informal. Generally, folks enjoy the opportunity to get together every other month or so to share conversation, listen to some music and, perhaps, hear someone else's music system. Mostly, we seem to just enjoy getting together with others who enjoy this crazy hobby of ours and for whom talking about audio and music is not a strange foreign language!

Love to have you join us. If you will contact me directly via Audiogon, I'll be happy to get in touch with you with more details. Please include your direct email address and home phone number.

Two activities coming up: regular bi-monthly meeting this Sunday, July 18; group trip to Red Trumpet in York, PA, at the end of July. If you're anywhere in the area and have an interest in participating with us, drop me a note.
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this or not....
I'm new to the King of Prussia area and am looking for local audio stores where I can audition some speakers and I figured this would be a great place to ask!
The closer to KOP the better, ideally under 20 miles!
please just respond to my email address:
so as not to take this thread off topic!
I have heard that Chestnut Hill is good. I also know that Soundex is sometimes as is the Audio Clinic