Why do DIY products have less value ?

As many of you know, I do alot of DIY projects and am very happy with them. I have noticed that many folks seem to think that DIY stuff is not as good as store-bought stuff. It seems like they think that DIY is only for people who can't afford to buy something good. For example, when I tell people that I made my own cables, the first thing they suggest is that I buy some "good" cables. Or when I show them my DIY speakers, they say "Wow they're really good for DIY speakers. Imagine how good your system would sound with a pair of XYZ Mark 8 with petrified Jello cones and extruded pasta baskets!" What I'm saying is that there is this preconcieved notion that if it's DIY, it cannot be really good. This disturbs me. And if you try to sell a DIY item, forget it. You MIGHT get parts cost back, if you're lucky. They say "I'm not paying that much for something you cooked up in your garage. I can get the Mark 8 for only twice what you're asking." Performance is not the issue, only the idea that it did not come from a commercial maker so it just can't be as good or better as the Mark 8. All listening evaluations are always prejudiced with this view. Am I destined to be forever viewed as a tinkerer, or will anyone ever give DIY products the respect they deserve for their performance and not their origin?

My primary hobby has been drag racing. Talk about DIY. Even when my car looks better, drives better and is faster than the pro built cars, I still get remarks that make me scratch my head, like....."Gees, you ported your own heads, huh? Wow, think how fast you would be if XYZ ported them!"

I have learned that cubic dollars can buy a competitive car or you can DIY for much less. That logic applies in audio also. Take pride in the direction you are going. Some of us are following your posts closely and know in our heart of hearts that you're onto something. I wish you well.

At least in drag racing I can win the purse and bring home the trophy. Audiophiles don't have what it takes to enter their systems in competition and have a winner declared at a given price point. This industry is driven by insecurity and doubt which is obviously what you lack.

Keep it up.

Happy listening,
Most likely the reason is REPUTATION. Companies spend major money to promote their name and products. Many DIYers claim this and that but without an established reputation it really is hard for others to have the same confidence you have. Also realize, wise people have learned to be skeptical. I'm sure you can demonstrate your great ideas like the "garage" companies that started with single products. As the word spread, so did their reputation. Look for ways to sell your ideas so others hear the difference your ideas make. Try to realize that people automatically view DIY projects as an unknown until shown otherwise. It can be your pleasure to educate. Invite friends to bring their consumer products over for a comparison. Let it be fun. You will all learn and you may get ideas that will improve your products. Chuck
I would guess the insecurity non DIY folks feel--was it assembled correctly?--Hardly likely,I can borrow the same thing from someone else;or go to a store to listen to the same thing.--So, yes;plenty of reasons for us phobics to be scared.
BTW; my DIY brain surgery kit should be here soon;I'll report back.