London, Ontario

Anyone in London or Southwestern Ontario who's passionate about music and their systems, send me an email. If there's enough interest we can try to organize get-togethers.
Hi all.

Glad to hear there is still a few of us left that have not fallen curse to the HT monster. Sure, i dig movies like the next guy, but I just can't get too excited about the Tallis Scholars through a Technics receiver. Not hi-fi-snobbery, just a passion for great music through a system that can actually make you " feel " the music, unfortunately, there seems to be a rather pricey admission fee for all of this, yet, it gives me back much more than I paid for it all.

happy listening....

Greetings, I see the last post on this thread is over a year old, I hope somone is still checking.
I am 53 and have been into audio as long as I can remember, probably early teens. I am from London, and now live about 45 minuts N/W of the city.
I have a dedicated 2 ch system which consists of;
Krell T-20 transport
Krell Reference 64 dac
Pass Labs X0.2 pre
two Threshold T-400 amps. (upgraded to stasis 8)
Duntec C-5000 (princess) speakers
PS Audio P1000 line conditioner
Interconnects are MIT mi350(balanced)
Speaker cable- MIT mh 770 non biwire
Power cords are MIT oracle ac 1 on source and pre JPS Labs on amps.
In the same stand is a 5.1 system which consists of;
Classe' dvd/cd 1
Classe' SSP-30 mkII pre/pro
Moon Aurora 5-ch. amp.
MIT z-center line conditioner
Speakers are Von Schweikert vr 2 on front vr 1 for rears and Von Schweikert center channel.
Speaker cables are MIT mh 750
interconnects are mit (rca)
I also have a small collection (six) of Nakamichi tape decks; cr3a cr7a zx9 dragon rx505 Lx5. I don't use these too much, except the cr3a somtimes, the others are just to be admired.
Primarily I like to listen to new age/instramentle and celtic music. My favourate artist is Loreena Mckennitt, she is world renowned, and is from Stratford Ontario,and I think she still lives there. If you are not familiar with her, check out her music and vids on you-tube.
I have a gallery on Canuck Audio Mart under the user name; dfrost. Some of the pics need to be updated as system has changed alot since they were posted.
Happy listening to all, best regards to all London audiophiles.
Not too many of us left -sign of the times and the state of the industry I suppose. I'm still here in the north end of London, at least for the time being. I listen to some classical, some 70's rock, some blues, but mostly 50's and 60's small group jazz, and primarily on the turntable. Over the years my system (see above post) has been tailored to give me the most realistic and "live" sound I can acheive with the last mentioned genre.
Sarnia is not too far away.You all ever setup any meetings.
My system is posted on this site.Haven't changed too much since I found the Emerald Physics and Fusion audio power cords.Sorry can't afford to get too much back into vinyl but Linn works fine for now.
I am in the Waterloo area london is not that far my system is in the virtual systems under "From The Past" Garnels