Chicago, Illinois

Wow, no audiophiles clubs in this beautiful city????
Yeah, coffee sometime next week would be great. Not clear on how we communicate private details through Agon.


PS: You can see my system posted here. Not close to your setup yet.
Respecting the AudiogoN concerns to protect all, I wish
to propose that we meet for discussions at a convenient
coffee house. Please suggest a place in Andersonville.
Evening hours. Contact me at
ok, how about the Starbucks at 5300 N. Clark. It's easy to find and Kopi never has enough seating. Maybe we can do a future meeting at Simons.
What do you (anybody reading this) think about publicizing outside of Audiogon to get a metro Chicago thing going? Premature?
Follow up to Dave-rosenblum. Starbucks in Anderson-
ville good. Monday at 7:00PM?, 8:00PM?,. How's
Wed. same times? I'll wear a yellow rose in my hair.
I think it is ok to contact me personally at my email
address as given, Dave. Say date and time. BGordon829.