I think there is another distinction deeper in your query that might be drawn and that is, how many of us are retrophiles not by stylistic or preconceived notion, but rather through a somewhat unplanned, non-intellectual path of a process of elimination of what did not move us emotionally in the music reproduction itself?
Equipment is cool and it is easy to be sucked in to making choices based on things that are not at all related to the music. That said, it is never the less a reality in the material world that one becomes involved at an anal retentive level with the acoustical reproduction aspect. There is a lot of science involved, not to mention alchemy.
This all takes me back to something Ivor Tiefenbrun of Linn said early on and that is, (I will paraphrase) if you close you eyes and listen to the music and it doesn't make you tap your toe or if you can't sing to it, if it doesn't sound distinctly more musical overall, don't spend your money on it! He was referring to equipment purchasing.
That thought has pretty well stuck with me as I traveled on from my first major "Hifi" equipment purchase of a (you guest it) Linn Sondek Lp12 back in 1983. Funny thing is, there are a lot of cool turntables out today, maybe some with greater musical resolve. Im just not moved to chase that demon. It's fine to be skeptical about the superiority (theoretically) of any technology, maybe even healthy, especially for those of us that are in it for the human emotional connection to the music and the pleasure of enjoying that together. Happy listening.