But WHY do you say that a Subjectivist is unable to judge the truthfulness of a recording without acting as an Objectivist, especially in light of the fact that human judgement is ultimately subjective? Is this because a Subjectivist would not believe that the recording could be truthful…?
In a word, Yes. A Subjectivist does not believe in objective truth. That is what it means to be a Subjectivist. It is important not to be misled by the ordinary definitions of 'subjective' and 'objective.' My desktop dictionary defines them as follows:
(1) subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
(2) objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
These are good description of the ordinary concepts of ‘subjective’ and ‘objective,’ but NOT of the philosophical concepts of ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ that are the basis of Subjectivism and Objectivism. Being a Subjectivist about X does NOT mean that you are “subjective” about X, in the sense of (1) above. Being a Subjectivist about X means that you do not believe in objective truths about X. Being an Objectivist about X does NOT mean that you are “objective” about X, in the sense of (2) above. Being an Objectivist about X means that you believe in objective truths about X. So…
(1) An Objectivist about X believes in objective truths about X.
(2) A Subjectivist about X does not believe in objective truths about X.
This was precisely the nature of the disagreement throughout this thread regarding neutrality…
(1) An Objectivist about neutrality believes in objective truths about neutrality.
(2) A Subjectivist about neutrality does not believe in objective truths about neutrality.
And regarding colorations…
(1) An Objectivist about colorations believes in objective truths about colorations.
(2) A Subjectivist about colorations does not believe in objective truths about colorations.
I am an Objectivist about both neutrality and colorations. That is to say, I believe in objective truths about both neutrality and colorations. This has been my view all along. In my post on 11/07, I wrote:
I wasn't suggesting that audiophiles should be "objective." An Objectivist is not someone who is objective. An Objectivist is someone who believes that there is such a thing as truth. An Objectivist, with respect to sonic neutrality, therefore, is a person who believes that components and systems can be evaluated as to their "truthfulness." Sometimes you hear that expressed in terms of "what is on the recording." [i.e. accuracy] Other times you hear that expressed in terms of the real-world event that the recording captured. [i.e. transparency]…To put another one of my cards on the table: I am an Objectivist, in the sense above, with respect to sonic neutrality. That is to say, I believe that some components and systems reproduce recordings more truthfully than others.
I wrote this just two days after I began this thread. I mention this to point out that my views on Objectivism and Subjectivism have been constant from the beginning.
In my more recent posts, I have gone to great lengths to try to acknowledge the role and value of subjective characteristics in audio playback and music recording. In my post on 12/12, I wrote:
Acknowledging Learsfool’s objections, we make the definition of ‘coloration’ more subjective:
COLORATION: Inaccuracies audible as a non-random** sonic signature.
This is an acknowledgement that colorations are subjective in the sense that they DEPEND UPON PERSONS to be perceived. But this is still a form of Objectivism, as I pointed out in the same post:
The second advantage of these new proposals is that they bring the conflicting views of the Objectivist and the Subjectivist one step closer together. It is only a step, though, since the new definition of ‘coloration’ I am proposing is only subjective in the sense that it includes facts about the subject, facts that, I believe, are themselves largely OBJECTIVE. So this is not a retreat from Objectivism, so much as it is an acknowledgement that understanding coloration and neutrality is partly a matter of understanding HOW INACCURACIES ARE PERCEIVED.
In other words, acknowledging subjective characteristics in audio playback and music recording is fully compatible with Objectivism, since it is perfectly consistent to be AN OBJECTIVIST ABOUT SUBJECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS. Psychologists, for example, are objectivists about subjective characteristics. That is to say, the characteristics they study – attention, perception, memory, learning, conceptualization, etc. – are subjective characteristics, because they all depend upon persons to exist. But the attitude psychologists adopt toward those characteristics is that of Objectivism, because they believe in objective truths about those same characteristics. This is precisely my stance toward colorations. They are subjective characteristics, and yet I believe in objective truths about them.
But to say that I believe in objective truths about colorations (or neutrality) is not to say that our KNOWLEGE of them is objective. Truth is always objective, but knowledge is always subjective. I made this point in my last post, where I suggested that:
(i) Truth is objective.
(ii) Judgments about truth are subjective.
The acknowledgement, in (i), that truth is objective, means that truth is independent of persons and their characteristics. It does NOT mean that truth can be KNOWN independently of persons and their characteristics, since all knowing involves persons.
The acknowledgement, in (ii), that all judgments are subjective means that all judgments are dependent upon persons and their characteristics. It does NOT mean that all judgments are EQUALLY subjective. Some judgments are less subjective than others. Adding this to (i) and (ii) above, we get:
(i) Truth is objective.
(ii) Judgments about truth are subjective.
(iii) Some judgments about truth are less subjective than others.
The reasoning here is similar to my reasoning earlier in this thread when I argued that…
(ii) All water is contaminated.
(iii) Some water is less contaminated than others.
(ii) All playback systems are colored.
(iii) Some playback systems are less colored than others.
With this same reasoning, I am now claiming that:
(ii) All judgments about truth are subjective.
(iii) Some judgments about truth are less subjective than others.
The acknowledgment, in (iii), that some judgments about truth are less subjective than others, means that some judgments are more reliable than others. In my last post, I said that the judgment of an expert listener is more reliable than that of a naive listener. The relation between expertise and the reliability of judgments about truthfulness is a point I first introduced in my post on 12/15:
…as a person develops expert perception with respect to the playback of recorded music, I believe that COLORATIONS become more audible. In fact, I would view this a one of the standards for judging the expertise of the listener.
This comment about colorations could just as easily have been about truthfulness. In other words, I could have said, “As a person develops expert perception with respect to the playback of recorded music, I believe that DEVIATIONS FROM TRUTHFULNESS become more audible.” In other words, the perception of colorations, or deviations from truthfulness, is easier for experts. That is why experts' judgments about truthfulness (or coloration, or neutrality, or accuracy, or transparency) are more reliable than those of naive listeners. And we must say that, or we become Radical Subjectivists, which in my view, is a reductio ad absurdum of Subjectivism.
Finally, the concept of ‘expertise’ brings us back to the ordinary concepts of ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ stated at the beginning of this post, where I said that being an Objectivist about X does NOT mean that you are “objective” about X, in the sense of “not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.” However, there is someone for whom being “objective,” in this ordinary sense, is an important quality. That person is an expert! In other words, it is an important feature of expertise that a person tries not to be influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. That is, of course, nothing more than a “regulatory ideal.” Even experts cannot be perfectly objective. But they can do their best, and sometimes their best is good enough.