The question began as a query as to how I achieved the large images shown at CES some years ago. I answered the question truthfully.
I'm a professional photographer and I justified my rates by overcoming very difficult technical obstacles. I'm sure you're not the only one who appreciates the speed and ease that digital provides but that was not the question.
As for lenses that operate at F 64, my camera had all bench matched lenses from Sinar, Switzerland.
They also manufacture electronic lighting which was employed for for nearly 100% of the images I produced. A single pop at 1/60 of a second could easily expose 8X10 film at F 90.
As always there are tools for whatever level of quality is required.
The question began as a query as to how I achieved the large images shown at CES some years ago. I answered the question truthfully.
I'm a professional photographer and I justified my rates by overcoming very difficult technical obstacles. I'm sure you're not the only one who appreciates the speed and ease that digital provides but that was not the question.
As for lenses that operate at F 64, my camera had all bench matched lenses from Sinar, Switzerland.
They also manufacture electronic lighting which was employed for for nearly 100% of the images I produced. A single pop at 1/60 of a second could easily expose 8X10 film at F 90.
As always there are tools for whatever level of quality is required.