Preamp Help

I've been scouring the net for all types of information and thought it prudent to reach out to my fellow Agoners for some help in choosing a new/used tube preamp. Recently sold my Allnic L1500...too dark...and using a Reference Line One Series II passive....more gain...but I do like it. Spent the weekend listening to new Audio Research gear at dealer and was blown away by GSPre. Totally out of my price range, but was thinking about similar performance and tone from used...maybe LS17SE, Ref3, Ref2 MKII, etc. Any suggestions? I've had:
CJ ET2 - Too Noisy even after return to CJ
Allnic L1500 - Too dark, blunted leading edges
First Sound MKII - Terrible ergonomics, Gain too course, but otherwise great sound...pretty close to ideal
Reference Line 1A - Not enough gain, tends to be too forward

But it was the sound of the AR that approaches the type of balanced sound I'm searching for. (Dealer used Vandersteen Quatro Wood, GSPre, and GS150)

Will be partnering with Ghent Mono and Magnepan MG 3.6r.
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I listened to the Maggie 3.7...the real reason for visiting the dealer in the first place, and they sounded dreadful....small, congested, absolutely wimpy...driven by AR 17SE and 75amp. Poor setup to be sure and no way I would choose this over the 3.6r setup I presently have. After moving to the Vandersteen dedicated room listening to Brinkman/DV X1s I was bowled over. I'm not a Vandy fan at all and even in this environment the sound was two feet from the floor, but the tonality, naturalness, and ease is what impressed me. I've never heard Vandys sound like this before....had to be the contributions of the AR/Brinkman setup thus my interest in moving to AR.

The Re 75 is not powerful enough to drive Magnepan speakers properly. They need power to sound their best. I own a Ref 110 and wouldn't pair it with Maggies for the same reason. I have a friend who has the 3.7i with 2 bass panels paired with Pass 60.8 amps. This is nice setup. But at 2 0hms with the bass panels, the Pass is putting out around 240 watts before it even leaves class A.

The ARC Ref 2 and Ref 3 are very different. Starting with the Ref 2 mk2 ARC design their pramps around the 6H30 tube instead of the 6922. This had a huge impact on the sound. People either love this tube or they hate it. I like it.

The Ref 3 is probably the sweet spot. As mentioned their is not that big a difference between the Ref 3 and the Ref 5. The Ref 5se is a huge step up from the Ref 5.
I agree. The REF75 isn't powerful enough for the Maggies. In my opinion.

However, if money is an issue, people are on the REF5SE bandwagon right not and are selling their REF3 pre-amps. Which offers great opportunities for one to buy a really great pre-amp.

The REF 5 in my opinion wasn't that much better than the REF3 to warrant an upgrade. The REF5SE on the other hand is that much better. But, the price is really high. So, I would go with the REF 3. It really is a great pre-amp.

Thanks everyone for your input. I ended up with an Aesthetix Calypso pre with NOS Mullard CV's and Amperex 6922. Just got it this week and starting to listen. Very open and detailed so far.