Craigslist may be the best for a quick local sale but I hope your skin is thick. You will encounter even more tire kickers than here. Even if you were to list them at a fair MV price be ready to people to even ask for more of a discount. Then you get the numb nuts that will ask Still Available on CL? I've sold some stuff on Craigslist but around me there are a lot of degenerates to deal with.
You could get some money for all that gear either by listing them here on Audiogon, Craigslist or Ebay but just be ready. On any listing put local pick up only or make the buyer arrange for shipping. There is a market for all the stuff you mentioned.
You could get some money for all that gear either by listing them here on Audiogon, Craigslist or Ebay but just be ready. On any listing put local pick up only or make the buyer arrange for shipping. There is a market for all the stuff you mentioned.