Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
I suppose if someone was really crazy they could build a set of interconnects out of WE16gauge, LOL! Might not be such a crazy idea.
Someone did, Shun Mook has them for sale at the Cable Company, for over $3,000. My wife is from Brooklyn and as a child went to Leeds Radio with her father. Best, Rob
Rob, just took a look at Shun Mook's Vintage WE IC. Lots-O-money! LOL! I bought lots of parts at Leeds Radio until they moved to the Bronx. Sounds like your father-in-law was a DIYer. As I remember you are going to build a AN Kit 1 right? It would sound great with AN speakers. No worries about synergy between amp and speakers!

Grannyring, I may as well fool around with some DIY WE IC's. I need to buy another 50 feet of this stuff if its still available in a week or so. Regards Jet
RE: Shun Mook. This from their website: "micro tuned by ear-listening"

Does anyone know WTF "micro tuning by ear listening" means? Can I somehow make my modest investment in old wire worth upwards of 50 or 60 times what I paid for it?

Full disclosure:

I recently purchased enough cloth-covered stranded and tinned WE 16 awg on eBay to make a pair of 12' speaker cables. I've got about 50 hours on the wires and so far they perform as described by grannyring and others. Great detail, depth, and "air." I run an excellent MFA tube preamp into a surprisingly good NAD C272 amp into a pair of Magnepan MMG's. My wife with golden ears says the WE are not as full as Grover's speaker cables. Her ability to hear high frequencies is better than mine.

I've been holding off on making some IC's using the Belden, because I first wanted to experiment with a few sets of old IC's, primarily Van den Hul 300S. I've been running Grover's IC's for the past number of years. Early impressions of the Van Den Hul/WE combo are quite favorable.

More later.