How long do you keep a component?

What is the average length of time between your audio purchases or upgrades? Which components do you trade out most often? Amplifiers, Pre amp’s, speakers, front end, cables, or tweaks? For me it seems to be Amps, speakers, cables and tweaks not necessarily in that order.
Two weeks to nine years. I tried more cables than anything 'cause it's the easiest. Next in line are amps, no wait, make that CD players, then amps, then preamps then speakers.
That's easy. For me, it's speakers. I've had 4 different pairs in less than a year. I surprise myself if I hang on to any speakers more than four monts. I'm kind of new to high end. Only been involved about seriously for about 3 years. Next in line is definitely preamps. I've had three of those in the past year. I just like to trade to hear what is out there. I haven't traded amps in a while though...
The shortest time was a very expensive D to A converter. Lasted only a few days. Next worse was one of the newest ultra high end preamps, it lasted only three weeks before passing it on and returning to the bliss of my Aesthetix.

The longest running component ever is Soundlab speakers. Discovered them about 1986, decided to buy in 1989 and have only momentarily considered other brands during that twelve year period.