Classe or Bryston?

Currently using a Bryston 9B with Aerial 8/surround system; not enough juice! I can augment two Classe CA-150 used as monoblocks with a CAV-75 bridged 3-way for center and rear, or just beef up the power to the 8's with another Bryston amp such as the 4B-ST. Anyone else had a similar showdown to determine the Canadian champ?
I agree with Ramstl. I love Stereophile, but to have blind faith in their reccomendations is a pathetic practice indeed. I don't like Southpark, it's annoying. I like Seinfeld, The Simpsons, and Futurama in that order. My favorite comedy is "There's Something About Mary". "American Pie" was pretty good too. I loved "Caddyshack", but after the 100th viewing, it gets kind of trite. And, I could use a woman myself, but audio is my bitch right now. It's worth the tradeoff, for a while...
Thank you all for your interesting responses; most seem either silly or irrelavent, so I guess I should have been more specific - I was seeking input on prevoius experience with matching Aerial 8's/center/surrounds with the Classe CAV-75 or 150 or with the Bryston 9b/4b/7b. As I already own both the Bryston 9b and the Classe 150, I'm quite familiar with the sonic signiture of each unit, and wanted to know which expansion option retained the most uniform result. Sure it would be great to have everything identical (and in a acoustically perfect room) but get real; for the moment, I think most audiophiles would rather spend the extra fun money on music playback, and home theater is a sideline hobby. Five Aerial 8's with the Krell fivepack hooked up with Transparent Reference would be wasted on Home Theater, and it will be a long time yet before the recording industry has successfuly mastered a comprehensive library for DVD-Audio.
Emmett, I agree totally about DVD-Audio. I apologize for being irrelevant (that needs to go on my headstone when I die, heh heh). I've not heard the amp speaker combo you ask about, and hope you can try the amp in your home before you decide. Using ASC Frecoes to damp side, back, and front wall "first" reflections will make more difference than comparing two power amps, especially if they have somewhat similar sonic charactersitics. ASC 16 inch full rounds in the corners behind the front speakers will make the bass in the room unbelievably tighter, smoother, and higher rez. Not that you or anybody ever wants to follow my suggestions...Good luck anyway...
Carl, I already live in the wonderful tubetrap forest of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Much fun. I enjoy the benifits of an excellent dealer who allows home audition of many fine toys. He doesn't stock the specific amps in question, though, so I was looking for imput on-line. Thanks again. Do continue to encourage others to enter the magic forests of ACS.
stereophile also said that bryston amps are powerful and dynamic. Thats what they do right. but they said what they don't do is that they are not very airy, detailed or transparent. I prefer the latter which is why I like my classe. But It's just a preferance thing so I wouldn't slam bryston. Also, sorry if I came off a little pushy about the system matching. I know you can get a great sounding system with different gear. It's not ideal but we all do what we can. I don't have the ideal system for me but I suppose I never will. And if I did then a month later I would want something else. It's all about enjoying what we can have.