Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
hi Bruce,
did you finally get a DEQX demo at your house? if yes, was it all that it was cracked up to be? thanks.
Bombaywalla ... my DEQX appointment was cancelled and rescheduled for next week. I was tangled up with urgent client matters that HAD to be sorted out on the 15th, which is the final due date for calendar year corporate tax returns that on extension. So, the rep rescheduled for next Monday, the 22nd.

Looking forward to being amazed.

Drewan77, by using the Gram Slee for streamer/laptop, you are introducing additional D/A and A/D steps. I tried this as well using top-rated DAC and analogue preamp, but I found that transparency and resolution were slightly improved by running the digital source directly to the DEQX. For CD and vinyl, I continue to use my tubed preamp.
Psag, yes I am introducing further conversion but the musical benefit easily justifies that for me. Using the inbuilt DAC, digital sources were a little more 'fatiguing' to listen to. Maybe it's the combination of open baffle speakers/ribbon tweeters which are very revealing of the tiniest details

The Majestic DAC is very analogue-like and neutral & I hear less harshness at the extremes of treble. If I play the same album on vinyl and then CD, the resulting sound is very very close. If there is a drop in transparency and resolution, I don't notice it
Ah, so you like the top end rolled off a little bit! Just kidding, I'm sure it sounds great.