Preamp recommendation for Bryston 3BST

I am looking for a preamp for my Bryston 3B-ST power amp. I am using the CDP variable output now but am in need of preamp. Solid state or Tube, new or used. My budget is around $8-900. Thanks. Danny
Adcom GFP-750 is a great unit if you want something "almost new." If you consider something a little older, several Audio Research units can be had around $1K.
There was no mention of the related equipment, so this is an unqualified suggestion. Having spent a fair amount of time auditioning Bryston amps with a variety of speakers and pre-amps I'd suggest looking at a tube pre-. A used Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 or SFL-1 Signature would set you back $800 at the most. As a general rule either would be a good compliment to the Bryston.
As for SS - a Bryston BP20 (non-remote & within your budget) would be a great match. Extremely low noise floor and they work well with other Bryston amps. I have the BP25 matched with a 4B-ST and it works well. Matching a Bryston pre with your 3B will provide you with a very "neutral" set-up so it depend heavily on the rest of your system including your cables. As a side note I have found that copper cables work better between the pre & amp. I have also heard that a good tube preamp is a nice match as it will add its own sonic signature to the neutral Bryston amp. I have yet to try one out but would look to a Sonic Frontiers unit for trial.