Can Home Theater be "High End"?

I have an ongoing arguement with a friend of mine about this topic. What are your thoughts on this subject guys? Who considers home theater to be capable of "high end" sound and why? Or is it just all about high spl and super low rumble? Let's hear from ya!!
IMHO the jury is still out on this. Virtually everyone I have spoken with agrees that dedicated two channel is generally far superior at a given price point until you start talking about a lot of money. Room acoustics and placement issues also reduce the chance that you will obtain audiophile quality sound, as do all the engineering and production tweaks inherent in movie soundtracks and effects. Having said that, it certainly is possible to get very satisfying HT sound and certainly improve dramatically the sound quality offered in consumer grade and entry level audiophile systems. I think that we need more technology to overcome some of these issues (e.g. inexpensive flat screen TV's so we can eliminate the problem of a giant TV or entertainment cabinet in between your from right and left channels) and more experience with HT - it is relatively new when compared to stereo gear. I recommend a setup where music is played through dedicated two channel gear with an A/V loop for the front right and left channels when watching movies. Still not perfect given placement issues, but it is a cost effective way or preserving high quality 2 channel sound and saving money on your HT setup.
For high end home theater sound, try Wilson Audio loudspeakers. These speakers are great for movie soundtracks and two channel audio recordings. My WHOW sub is awesome, deep, fast, moves lots of air, and it pounds like a big bass drum. The WHOW sub is the best of anything out there. The WATT 5.1 is very rich in low level detail and all other frequencies. I hear background sounds on movie soundtracks and two channel audio that are never heard on other speakers. The CUB is great too. I bought these speakers used and in perfect condition. New, they would have cost over $35,000.00!!!! My next goal is to buy a Jeffery Rowland amp, used or new. I bought a pair of Transparent Musicwave Super spk cables and they blew away my old pair of Audioquest Midnight 3 cable. If you know what to look for, you can buy some great used gear. It is a PLEASURE to kick back and listen to these speakers.
I will be running Avalon osisris speakers through a Theta casablanca II ( when it comes out). My sound is an SCD-1 with an electroglide PT Glide cord, off of a PS Audio 300. The main speakers are driven by Rowland 9Ti'S on a Richard Gray power station. The center will be the new JM lab Mini-Utopia CC and the surrounds will be the new JM labs in-wall Utopias. Cabling is Cardas neutral reference and the center amp is a bridged Classe 150. the rear amp is a classe 400. I bought most of the stuff over the Net either used or demo. The sound id FANTASTIC both for music and movies (Currently a Nakamichi CA-1, for sale cheap). The compromise is speaker placement. I'm sure that if I moved the Avalons out into the middle of the room, they will sound even better, but it ain't going to happen (WAF). David
Oh yeah. My subs will be either REL stentors or Aerial's. Got to wait on those for a bit. David