Two channel home theater set up

I am thinking of setting up a two channel home theater in my family room. I have an 80 wpc kenwood receiver but need advice with the DVD player and speakers. I am looking for some two way monitors ($400 max) and a DVD player with virtual or tru-surround capability ($300 max). The monitors should have >90 db sensitivity since my receiver is current limited and they should reach as low a frequency (45 hz preferably) possible since I am not planning on installing a subwoofer. Feel free to comment and suggest any speakers.
T1: I think he's talking about a unit that can simulate surround through two speakers. Perhaps someone more familiar with it can fill in the details.
Bomarc, we recently changed the tweeters in one of my buddy's Polk 10's and the difference was quite staggering. The sound was far more open, detailed and spacious. He was so overwhelmed and "giddy" by the increase in performance that it made me laugh. The great thing about this is that they were a perfect drop-in with the same exact cosmetics. It was like getting a brand new set of much improved speakers for something like $60 ( if i recall correctly ). Sean
Thanks for all your responses. The polk speakers sound like a good idea. I think I may get some OK speakers for that budget, however, a decent sub-woofer may cost more than what I want to spend. The virtual surround DVD player simulates the surround effect and just requires two channels. It takes advantage of the inner-working of your ears (I think - I just do not know the details), the new BOSE 3-2-1 uses the same principle. Finally, I will just use my receiver as a pre-amp and run two spare marantz MA-6100 monoblocks as my amplifier. Feel free to provide any further ideas, specially anyone who knows about virtual surround sound.
Good listening, Salsero