What'sBest Deal Tube PreAmp New or Used?

I've solved my amp problems by going solid state, but still want some tubes in my pre. Trouble is I've spent all my money on my amp. Anyone know a best deal in a tube pre that'll keep me happy until I can save up for a real nice one? If I liquidate my Aragon pre, I figure i'll have about 350 or 400 for a tube. Conrad Johnson PV-10?
I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'll give another recommendation (fourth one?) for the SFL-1. As the others have said, it's well worth it to stretch your budget a little in order to have more options. The SFL-1 holds its worth very well, so if you don't like it you can get your money back. Plus there's only one tube to change for easy tube rolling. I've seen a couple here for $700 and one for $650. Good Luck.
I guess we're in unison, the Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 gets the call. I've never seen such agreement on this board. I got mine for $495 more than one year ago. I'm very happy with it; I just wish it were remote-compatible.
Go with the CJ PV10. I've had one for about 5 years - was Stereophile class B. It is warm and definitely "tubey" which I prefer, I've got it mated with a Classe CA 200 with MIT Shotgun IC's and am very happy. Got my eyes set on possibly the CJ 16LS but in the meantime this combo is very musical with a nice bottom end, excellent midrange and smooth extended highs. Right in your price range used.
Saying you solved your amp problems buy going ss is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.