Whats a good tube preamp?

I'm considering the VTL 5.5 TL the Audio Research Ref1, LS25 and LS16 amd the Conrad Johnson Premier 14, 17LS and 16LS. Which of those do you think to be the more transparent with Electrostats such as a Martin Logan Aerius being driven by a conrad Johnson Premier 11 tube amp
Try the Rogue 99 its a giant slayer.Kills CJ BAT KREll Joule all the big boys.Give it a listen.2495.00 with Phono.you will be amazed.their 66 is a killer unit also.
tube pre-amp plus solid-state amp? i was also hoping that would be the ticket. years ago, i auditioned an ar sp9-mkll - it was so dull & slow, i passed. i really *wanted* to like it - it was so cool-looking! ;~) this was w/an adcom 555 amp & thiel 3.5's, both known for their tendencies to be bright, so ya'd think the ar would have balanced it - no such luck. i can't comment about any other ar stuff, or any other tube preamps - *except* the brand-gnu rogue audio 99, deluxe *magnum* version, that i just got this past thursday nite. well, it's a *lot* better than that sp9 was - great soundstage depth, airy highs, * very* detailed - from the midrange on up. the bass, however, is totally awol, and what little there is, it's very inarticulate. perhaps this will improve when it's broken-in? i don't think so - i've never heard of this aspect of a pre-amp changing much during break-in. and, i'm not talking about head-banger-electronic-type bass, either. listen to the bass on patricia barbour's *inchworm* & *ode to billie joe* on her "cafe blue" album - the bass was *fantastic* w/my linn kairn preamp. in all fairness, tho, my system's lo-end is a pair of bridged adcom gfa555's driving a pair of vmps larger subs, x'd over at 60hz. monitors are meret re's, bi-amped w/a pair of electtrocompaniet amps. maybe other less full-range systems wouldn't even be aware of this preamp's bass deficiencies, but for me, it's a sho-stopper. regretably, this is going up for sale, less than a week old... see audiogon classifieds for specifics. anyone know of a reasonably-priced tube preamp w/an *accurate* low-end response?
re: rogue 99: i may have early-called it - after ~100 hours of burn-in, the bass response *has* markedly improved. still not as tight as the linn kairn, but good enough that i have decided against selling it, considering its exemplary mid-range ease. (and my wife sez i can't, if re-hooking up the kairn is the alternative!) and, who knows - perhaps the bass will improve even *more*...