Amplifier suggestions

I am using Sony DVP-S7700 as Transport to Theta Casa Nova to Aerial 7B. I would like some suggestions in the $3000.00, (used), range for amplifier. My room is 15'X30'X9' ceilings and I listen to Jazz, Blues and Rock at high volume levels. The Aerial's need an amp with good bass control and high power output. Thanks in advance.
as a aerial owner (10-t's) i can recommend the krell fpb-200 like the poster above. my room is 14x25x8 and it more than does the job. you will get the bass control you seek and slam. of course only if you get it used or a great deal.
i agree on the aragon i use the 8008bb and the 8008x3.they drive hales rev which are very demanding load as are the ml they dip to about 3 ohms.the bass is great they replaced kinergetics kba75 class a and wonderkull sound but ran out of steam.the aragons gave me the power but more importantly i did not loose the magic sound on the highs.some amp will be strong but no finess.give them a test you won't regret it.
The 7B speakers were recommended to me as a great match for my Classe amp, maybe try some of Classe's monoblocks or a pair of 201's bi-amping or bridged.
I have the 10t's which require alot of current I was prepared to spend much more but a friend brought over a pair of meitner 101 mono blocks. This system with a tube preamp has unbelievable synergy. You find these around $1,000-$1,500 range. They stage and image more like a tube amp. If you like the sound of krell amplifiers(I dont) then ignore this post.
I'm with Nhorton. Classe is a great brand, and i would suggest that you audition the most powerfull one you can possibly afford. I heard the 300 on a pair of Hales, and the sound was amazing.