Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
One of the reasons I jumped in with DEQX was because every review I could find was 'enthusiastic' (rather an understatement, read John Atkinsons previous comment here: Then I heard what it did for myself and I knew it was what I needed - initially just to sort out the bass my room. The speaker correction part was a bonus
Drewan ... IME, as I stated above and/or elsewhere, room EQ what effects cannot be understated ... unless your sound room is an anechoic chamber. I was *VERY* surprised at how my sound room/man cave twisted the mid and bass frequencies in my right front facing speaker. The result was smeared imaging. Didn't appreciate the impact of the room issues until the DEQX effected room EQ.

Time alignment, I think goes more to tonal attributes because the impact of high order x-overs is to skew/jumble the speaker's output signal. See Roy Johnson's White Paper. Having said that, ... perhaps correcting time alignment might have other qualitative sonic benefits too.

Let's face it. Most of the tippy-top big dollar brands on the market are not time coherent, yet people still rave anyway. For example, Magico, Wilson, B&W, Daedalus, and so forth. Maybe if one gets used to sonic swill, it sounds good after a while. LOL :)
I agree Bif, I thought my old Shahinian Obelisks were pretty good until I heard what DEQX did to them . I literally swore out loud in amazement the first time I played them afterwards
Drewan77 ... well our A'gon audiophile pals won't have to believe us for much longer. Kal Rubinson's DEQX PreMATE review will be published next month in the December Stereophile issue. I am not concerned that we will have to eat our hats.

If my surmise is correct, the OP's question, "Is DEQX a game changer?" will be answered shortly, and the answer may be "Yes."
good to read that you continue to like your purchase of DEQX & that you've come over to the side of time-aligned speakers. :-) Glad you recognize & hear what time-alignment can do for music playback - I feel that all my posts weren't all in vain...... at least one person listened & benefited. :-)
I'll be sure to read Kal's review of the DEQX in the Dec issue of S'phile. Thanks for this heads-up.