YBA Audiorefinement/Musical Fidelity A3

Hi:need help in choosing one of these integrates,which is better or sonic signatures on yba audio refinement complete or golden tube audio s50 mkII i think,thx,AL
Both are good, read March 2000 Stereophile Sam Tellig review of MF A300, he has reviewed both and compares them to each other.....bottom line is Tellig purchased A300 review sample, that says it all. A3 exactly same design with 85w instead of 150w, same sound, I own A3 among other MF amps. Audio Advisor won't screw you over, 30 day return ploicy ........both are highly rated products....regards Sam
I auditioned both and the Audio Refinement sounds better IMO. It is a very emotional sound amp, but very detailed as well. You should read the soundstage review found in audioreview.com. It compares the audio refinement to a pass labs combo and the reviewer had to split hais on the comparison!
I audiotioned both also, and to me the audio refinement sounded better (IMHO). This is always a subjective topic...so go with your likings. You can get the audio refinement here for about $700.00 used. To me, Audio Advisor is a rip off. Do not buy anything at list price. Your dealer should be able to discount the list price and if you don't like the amp, a good dealer should take it back within some time period. Goodluck with your choice and take care.