Amps: Bryston vs Electrocompaniet

I am considering purchasing an Electrocompaniet AW-120 amp. Does anyone have an opinion of (or experience with) this amp especially in comparison to the performance of a 4B-ST or 7B-ST? I will be connecting the amp to a Bat vk-5si pre and Dynaudio Contour speakers using JPS Labs wires and interconnects. Any and all opinions appreciated.
Since you are using a Dynaudio Contour series speaker and I'm also using one. My advise would be to use the Plinius SA100MK3 power amp. Somehow the Plinius and the Dynaudio have a very synergistic match. Along in that lines, I have great sucess using the Analysis Plus Oval 9's with the above amp and speakers. I think the AW120 might not be enough to drive the Dyna Contour if youhave a big listening room. I'm using the 8150i which is 150 watts @ 8 ohms and it just right for that speaker. THose speakers really love megawatts to get the most out of them. If you have any more queries pls send me an email I have not heard of the Bryston so I cant comment. I was able to hear the AW120, AW180 and ECi-3. Great amps but I think the DYna's could just use some more power. Although the SA100 is just 100 watts, but its very high current and high power. Its more powerful than my 8150i integrated amp.
I own a bryston before, it sounded too sharp and edge. Full spectrum music such as metallic or full jazz band was ok. The tone quality of the solo or single vocal did not come through as a clean nature I sold it to someone who was running eletrostatic speakers. One thing I can say good thing about the bryston is the durability of the amp.
consider classe or lower end plinius, krell or levinson to drive ur speakers... u will be happier..than the electro or the bryston.. dynaudio loves to be dominated by the very high steady current amp.
the electrocompaniet will have *no* problems driving the dynaudios - 120wpc into 8 ohms, 200wpc into 4 ohms, 350wpc into 2 ohms. stable down to 0.5 ohms, max current output is over 100 amps. don't have experience w/plinius, tho everyone sez they're great, but the dynaudio speakers are *so* detailed, i think the electrocompaniet amps would do very well w/them...
Wow! First of all, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to respond to my questions. I have read and thought a lot about each one and will continue to consider the various opinions. You didn't make my task any easier but one thought dominates and that is that the best decision will come if I can get some amps to my home for a preview. That may be difficult but I'm more determined than ever to try to do so. In case I ultimately fail to do that your comments on Electrocompaniet, Bryston, Sim Audio, and Plinius have definitely helped. The search continues but your responses have made it more interesting, challenging, and a lot more fun. Thanks again to all.