Subwoofer blues

I need help with narrowing down my sub woofer choice. I have $600.00 to spend and am not sure to buy used or new? My system consists of b&K AVP 1000, Citation 5.1, b&w dm620's and a nakamichi mb-10 using a x-dac. I listen to music but watch a lot of movies as well. I have listened to b&W and a few others but the bass seamed sloppy. PLEASE HELP Best regards Jim
Try the REL Q-100 E that is for sale here at Audiogon. REL is highly regarded for thir pich and pace, and is cosidered one of the most "musical" subs made today. The Strat II is even better, but $600 is unlikely (though not impossible). $800 is the going rate. Acuujim is right. Go to, and find the Robert Harley review of the Strata II. This will answer you question perfectly.
Check out SV Subwoofers. Don't think you'll find any better value. Tom and Ron were very active in the DIY arena and various forums (you can read some of their contributions in the archives of HTT, HTF, and DTF. Follow the link in this thread:
Jim listen, listen and do more listening then decide for yourself on what you like from what you hear. You can't go by what others hear. for instance I will not listen nor own any thing other than pure electrostatic reproducers(no hybrid systems either), yet others hear them and don't like them. And that is perfectly fine with me and they are perfectly happy with what they LIKE.