Parasound vs. Mccormack, Bryston,Classe

How about Parasound for H/T with Magnepan fronts and rear (no center or sub yet)? Also looking at Classe, Bryston and Mccormack. 25x10x8 basement room w/carpet.
At the moment I am using Bryston 7B monos for my L/R and a Parasound HCA-2205 for the center and surrounds. For the price difference the Parasound is a remarkable sounding amp. I thought there would be a larger disparity between it and the 7Bs. The Parasound isn't quite as even across the frequency spectrum, has a little more sparkle (coloring) in the treble, and isn't quite as transparent as the Bryston. But in terms of power and ability to involve its very good, and great for HT.
Afraid I can't offer much in the way of comparitive input as I've not heard the Bryston or Parasound, but I am a very happy owner of a McCormack DNA 125. I have a Denon 4800 AV Receiver in use as a preamp and to drive my center and rear speaker. all the speakers are Mirage with OM 6's in the front pair to a Frx 12 sub. The mcCormack may not be as easy to audition but do give it a try. also see the current, december, issue of Stereophile. good luck.
agree with above comments,so let me add that for home theater,the Bryston 9B is awesome. I have toured the factory and listened to approximately 20 amplifiers in the past 18 months. All presented some compromises,but the Bryston provided the least. Great for music as well. again all the above mentioned amps are good,the Bryston 9b in my opinion is just a liitle better that the rest of the pack.