Speakers with Rotel amp

I'd like to get suggestions for speakers that match well with the Rotel RB-991 amp using the Rotel RX-975 as a pre-amp. I don't have room for electrostatics and enjoy jazz, classical and female vocals(Bonnie Raitt/Diana Krall). Thanks
Thanks again all. My goal is to put together a system piece by piece over the next 3-6 months. Budget for the whole system would be $4-5 K. I started with the Rotel receiver and agree it is not the best but wanted something to hold me over until I can afford higher end stuff. I thought I would get speakers next(spending $2500 or less), then upgrade to better electronics. Since I could use the Rotel as a pre-amp I thought a better amp would make a difference. What I'm hearing is I should probably reconsider the Rotel. I've listened to CD players from NAD, Linn and Marantz. Linn was by far the best. I have heard alot about the Rega Planet but have not auditioned it yet.
$4-5k you could have an awesome system (are you counting you purchases already made) I would do vandy 2ce sig, front end (d/a or good all in one) if you play records pick up a rega turntable (they are a steal for the money) , find a good pre that you like with you combo, then the mccormick amp (great combo with vandy)......some where along the line some wires but be careful with this one they can change the sound with different componets (so maybe chose wire for your end system not you current one.
hi i am a soliloquy speaker dealer -- and you owe it to yourself to check them out -- www.solspeak.com check out a dealer near you or get in touch with me
Am demoing Thiels 1.5s this weekend with the Rotel. Got a new interconnect for my CD to receiver and it has made big difference(much warmer and fuller sound from my old SONY) My dealer also gave me a Cal Audio CL-5 CD player to try with this combo, but it seem a little bright with the Rotel. Any suggestions for amps that match well with Thiels 1.5s ? Will probably try to demo Vandes next weekend. Does anyone have an opinion about the Cal Audio CL-5 ? Thanks
thiels are not very forgiving(ie if you amp/pre are not good they'll tell you) the vandys are a speakers that" do alot of things right and very little wrong) and will work with all types of equipment. They have a good amount of bass for you classical and jazz. another set to cosider are the jmlab cobalts