Classe Cap 151 vs Krell Kav 300i

I am looking to buy used intregeated amp and I end up with Classe Cap 151 and Krell Kav 300i. I do not know which amp is better for my Sonus Faber Concerto. I like to listen Jazz, Pop-Rock, Dance and some Techno music
Hello, Why did you choose the SF Concerto's. I am in the market for similar speaker and heard them at a bad lofi store. What else did you listen to?
Last year I happen to audition both of the integrated amps, and they were hooked up to b&w N805, I too listen alot of electronic music, dance and a little bit jazz. I prefer the sound of the Krell. hope this helps. good luck!
I have heard both of these integrateds and can tell you in no-uncertain terms that the Densen D-10 is a MUCH better sounding piece. Granted, it's half the power output, but will drive the SFs easily. There's one on Ebay now with optional phono. If you really need the power, go for the Plinius. E-mail me if you're interested in the 8150.
I have a pair of Concertos that I really like but decided to move from tubes to SS. I had a 300i and a Densen B100 in my living room for a week. The 60wpc Densen has it all over the Krell and looks much nicer too. I listen to the same type of music as you and I can't believe you would want more power than the Densen. There are quite a few 300i out there for sale. Look at the reviews at AR. Not exactly stellar. Not sure on the Classe but it would have to be awful good to better the Densen.