Tube for CAT Mk3

I,m planing to retube my CAT Mk3, Does anyone had experience which 6922 are best? Pls Comments
I just retubed my CAT Mark 111 with NOS Mullard ECC88(6922) and NOS Mullard CV4004(12AX7). In my system, the Mullards improved the midrange and overall dynamics. They are also very quiet both in the line and phono stages. The only drawback of course is the cost. NOS Mullards are getting harder to find. I have also used Amprex 6DJ8(6922) with excellent results.(you can not use the 6DJ8s in the V6 and V7 postions secondary to difference in plate voltages)Good luck.
I bought a CAT SL-1 III used, and sent it back to the factory for a phono stage. It had two NOS tubes replacing 6922's, and the factory told me that was a bad idea, that they weren't rated to handle the current the 6922's in that position would get. So I'd check with the factory on where it's SAFE to use other than 6922's. They're very friendly and helpful. Phone number: (716) 359-2700.
Oops, I see that the responder before me warned you already, and more specifically than I could, about voltage ratings. Sorry to be redundant.
Best 6922/6dj8/7308 Siemens 7308/ECC188.A freind who has tried over 20 different tubes from the 6922 family recomended it.Its is the best tube i have ever heard.I put it in the Output stage of my CD Player.The same night my wife sat down and after a few seconds was asking what ihad done to the system.She commented that i must of spent a thousand + to get this improvment.