Linn vs. Wadia

I was just checking out the specs on the Linn Ikemi and Wadia 830. The head-to-head comparison of the specs are quite interesting... MSRP Price: Ikemi $3500, Wadia $3250-$4000 depending on options Transport: Ikemi - proprietary design from the $20k Sondek CD12 (regarded as best CD player in the world). Hundreds of thousands went into R&D. Constructed from machined aluminum. Value of transport alone is around $2k since the Ikemi transport doubles the price of the Genki, which is essentially the same player (chassis, DAC and power supply). Wadia - dipped into the Pioneer parts bin and modified(?) the transport that originally went into sub $1k mass-market Pioneer machines. Value of transport around $200? DAC/Digital filter: Ikemi - less sophisticated variation of the Sondek, but still a proprietary 24k delta sigma design that decodes HDCD beautifully. Wadia - no HDCD decoding, because you get Digimaster (whoopie), DAC is from the same parts bin as everyone else. Chassis: Linn - same dated but functional box as their lesser models. Wadia - not much better until you move up to the 850/860. Preamp: Linn - have to use preamp or integrated, like you are supposed to in hi-end. Wadia - digitally shreds the sound up like the volume control on my personal computer. Sound: I have not heard either so I won't comment. Guess which player I'm expecting to give better sound? :) Where's the beef? I'm rather appalled that a "leader" in digital audio technology like Wadia hasn't in their over 10 year history even bothered to develop a transport that pushes the state of the art. So where are all the R&D bucks supposed to be going? I always thought that Wadia was like a pure bred Ferrari, but now I find that this "Ferrari" has a Honda engine and a Ford transmission!
I think Fsacks has jumped the gun on this one. Wadia is going through a reorganization. See the other two other threads for details. BTW...Wadia kills the Ikemi in every area. The Linn is not nearly as well rounded and musical as the 830.
i wish all the audio nuts me included that put feeback would really know what they are talking about. i have listened to cd players for 2 years before buying one from $700 to $15,000. there is no question that the best cd player is the one that fits your ears and system matching. i fortunally have found my cd player which is the wadia 860 which is detailed clean has good imaging and sound staging. i had a hdcd player and though it sounded great the the hdcd however i was wrong the wadia player made then come alive and sounding 10 times better. i tested them side by side. stop reading all the junk in the magazine. these guys get payed for the junk they write. listed with your own equptment. i really believe if you spend well over $5 grand for a cd player if it doesnt sing. send it back fellow wadia owner for life.
I absolutely agree w/ Stang500hpaol. I too have owned a HDCD player (Classe CDP.5) and when I upgraded to a Wadia 850 everything came alive. Another fellow Wadia owner for life.
hi jla these guys that read all the junk are just listening to someone else. hey i admit when i first got into audio i knew nothing. so i read everything. got burnt when i bought some audio components from listenig to some articals hey some are good but yu just have to listed to the system in person and do an a/b comparison. my hdcds play so good with my wadia i fliped out. it felt like the room opened up with speakers all around me. any wadia player is good. hey if you want to spend 15,000 for about 5% better sound quality go right ahead. me ill spend less get the same sound quality and buy better cables or some more cds. there are so many players on the market its sick. i just listeded to the new sacd player from sony. they just droped the price from orignally 5,000 to 3,500 now crutchfields is selling it for 2,499. i guess there is another dead format. my cds sounded better on my wadia then the sacd from sony and they dont even have balanced interconnects. just rca jacks. some high end piece of equiptment. ha.