Conrad johnson vs. Mccormack

Which would be better for 2-channel(70%) and H/T(30%) with Maggies- Conrad johnson or Mccormack pre and power amp combinations?
I believe that C-J bought out McCormack so they both should sound very simialar.
There's no reason to use an exclusive brand "A" or exclusive brand "B" system, necessarily. I happen to use a CJ preamp, the now discontinued PV11L, with a McCormack DNA.5 amp, also discontinued. Many people love the "sound" of tubed electronics, but are hesitant to jump in because of the annual (or so) cost of replacing tubes. The power output tubes on a tube amplifier, which have to be replaced more often than the line level tubes in my preamp, also cost more. I decided to ease into the world of tubed electronics by getting a tubed preamp. The tubes last about 2 years, and they are pretty cheap to replace (and very, very easy). I would suggest precisely the combination of a CJ preamp, with 1 or more McCormack Amps. I have actually heard the CJ PV 10AL, with a McCormack DNA .5, and the DNA 1, playing the Maggie 1.6 AND the 3.6, and I assure you, it is truly a great match. The PV 10AL is a great little preamp, I had one before I got my PV 11 (used). The PV 10 isnt quite as transparent as the 11 (or the current model the PV 12) but it has an amazing ability to give the listener the sense that there are actually musicians in the room. So, as always, LISTEN first, make your decisions later. CJ did acquire McCormack, as noted in the previous post, but their equipment doesn't "sound" any more similar than it did before the buyout. Both lines are being developed separately, however, they do seem to complement each other. GOOD LUCK!!
I belive tubes will bring you the most plesure.They are work but well worth it.I spent 20 years with Solid state.I then went to a Hybrid.And shortly after went all tube.Once you go tube you never go back.SS may have better specs but Tubes sound better.Go figure.
I tend to prefer tubes to solid state as well, but I must note that solid state is superior in some ways. The bass response of a solid state amp is much better than a tube amp , even large ones. I too have a mccormack amp (DNA1RevA/partial Gold), and am looking for recommendations for a good tube preamp for it.