Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Yes I admit I am very fussy, maybe it's just the way I am. Most of my life I would buy some new gear, love the sound for a while, then start to notice some other shortcoming, upgrade, buy or adjust something else, try to convince myself it was improved and then the whole thing would start over again.

Why? Well, partly because I listen to a lot of live music, often several times a week & I am a perfectionist wanting to replicate that as closely as possible

I guess the fact that I no longer find reason to tweak anything, no longer think about the system & just enjoy the music means adding DEQX may have finally cured me!
Fabulous Drewan. Many happy returns. Sounds like a big tech leap that truly is effective. Your comments indicate it has been a game changer for you-- and for who better than a live music listener? I look forward to when I'm able to invest in one.
That's what I did for the first year Roscoeiii until everything was just as I wanted. The rest of my gear was/is great sounding but the speakers/room used to be the spoiler. Not any more :)
An update re my situation: I had indicated a while back that I was planning to order an HDP-5 around this time. Last night I contacted Nyal Mellor of, who is a DEQX dealer having extensive specifically relevant expertise. (He is also an Audiogon member, btw, as "acousticfrontiers," as well as being a participant in various other forums). He indicated that DEQX is currently implementing some revisions to the initial HDP-5 design, which will be incorporated in a production run that will be available in the USA approximately mid-May. So I'll be waiting until then to place my order.

Nyal also pointed out that he has some DEQX-related videos on YouTube, which I haven't yet watched but I certainly will.

Best regards,
-- Al