Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Unsound, as far as I am aware DEQX does not make power amps, class D or otherwise. And I've seen no indications that HDMI inputs are or will be incorporated in any of their products. Regarding 24/192, in JA's measurements writeup that was presented in Stereophile in conjunction with Kal's review of the PreMate it was stated that:
The USB input accepted 24-bit data with sample rates ranging from 44.1 to 192kHz, including 88.2 and 176.4kHz. The TosLink input accepted data with sample rates up to 96kHz, and the AES/EBU input sample rates up to 192kHz. However, the DEQX Calibration app (v.2.93), running on a Windows XP machine, indicated that 192kHz data were downsampled to 96kHz, and 176.4 down to 88.2.... Though the PreMate will accept 176.4 and 192kHz datastreams, it appears that it downsamples them to half those rates before the data are presented to the DSP section, then finally the DAC. So no, there is no true bypass.... Running powerful DSP at 4Fs sample rates is very consuming of resources, so this compromise is not uncommon. It is likely that the benefits of the DSP correction outweigh the potential drop in sound quality due to the downsampling.
Best regards,
-- Al
Yes, was Unsound's comment in the correct thread.

Also, Al did you have a chance to ask about the switching power supply in the HDP-5 vs the linear in the HDP-4?
Hi Roscoe,

In my initial email to Nyal I said:
...if you should happen to be aware of any issues which might result in the performance of the HDP-5 being inferior to that of the more mature HDP-4 I would of course appreciate being apprised of them. I realize that the HDP-5 utilizes a switching power supply while the HDP-4 has a linear supply, but I assume the design is well implemented and that is not an issue.
Neither of his subsequent responses made reference to that question. His many posts that I've seen at various forums are confidence inspiring, and I feel safe in assuming that if he was aware of any negatives about the new design he would have mentioned them.

Best regards,
-- Al