Pro Logic vs. Dolby Digital, DTS etc

I would be interested in input about the relative merits of these formats. I now have a Mac C39 with ProLogic built in and as yet, have not actually used. Will now take a DVD (Elite DV 37) and wonder if i should spend thousands going to a new preamp-processor just to get DD or DTS.
I agree with Ronin. Big jump from Prologic to DD. Full range with distinct channels and a dedicated LF effects channel. Not much software for DTS. If you wanted to save some bucks could get a good deal on DD only unit. Also note that if you are thinking of geting satellite, there are good prices available on DD sat receivers.
Personally, I think the difference between dolby Pro Logic and Dolby digital are about the same as the difference between old cassettes and new Cd's. Your VCR will turn out to be one of your least used pieces of A/V gear in your system! WELL worth the investment, you'll be a convert in no time! And yes, Sugarbrie I believe its the same signal. Later.....
My two cents - One thing all responses have forgot is that you are using the McIntosh Pre/Pro. The C-39/MX-130 decodes prologic as well or better than most. Going to a lesser expensive DD preamp will NOT necessarily provide better quality decoding. One option, if you like McIntosh (as I do) would be to sell your C39 (about $1,200) and put those funds towards the McIntosh MAC-3 OR the MDS-4 and buy the MVS-3 for your switching.
Nbt makes a good point, but since I have older C39 (not a 39-6) I understand I would lose some front panel functions using MAC3 or MVS-3. Know anything about the MX 132. Gobs of $, but if I unloaded the C39 and the Accuphase T109 Tuner maybe I could spring for the diff if this unit is really worth it. Also, I am east coast - know good MAC outlet who might have a used 132 is this is a good unit?