Krell HTS vs. Proceed AVP

Has anyone done a real comparison between these two top of the line processors? Any other suggestions would also be appreciated. I need a processor only for HT, not for 2 channel.
I have auditioned both and like both but I would give the edge to the Proceed. One reason would be software based upgradability for the Proceed. The Krell has a very nice sound to it but the Prceed at a minimum is as good if not a little cleaner for two channel. I have to beleive that without each side by side you would be very happy with either. Just my opinion. Thanks
Being in the market to purchase a pre/pro, I have a listened to both units within the past week. I found the Proceed to be FAR BETTER sounding than the Krell (I don't know how Krell manages to stay in business - maybe it's the blue light!). The Proceed did color the sound a bit, and it was certainly not as open as a high-end 2 channel pre-amp. However, for what it cost, I found it quite good. On the other hand, the Krell sounded thin, poor sound stage, and a terrible low end. The unit I am most impressed with (so far) is the CAL CL 2500 SSP. The problem here though, is that after you purchase the (required) external CL 2500 VSW video switch, your into it for a minimum of $6,000 - $7,000. Other than being expensive, this is a great unit. Good luck hunting! Ken
You said for Hometheater only, I'd get the Lexicon MC1: KING OF ALL HOME THEATER. Check it out and compare.