What aspect ratio screen I should buy?

I'm going to go with a front projector for my HT. Should I get a 16:9 screen or 4:3 screen? Thanks a lot, Shenzhi
Well,either way,you're going to have black bars somewhere. At the top/bottom or at the sides. The world isn't all one or the other.I assume dvd and Direct tv's hdtv would be the enticements-go for the widescreen.So you'll have black sides on 1:33 material.
I would go with the one that gives you the biggest sharpest pictures regardless how big the black bands on the sides may be. I find once I start watching a movie, the rest of the screen not lit disappears.
i don't know how large your budget is but some of the higher-end screens remotely adjust to either format, leaving no "black bars."