Pre/Pro for $2K to the site, first time posting. I'm upgrading from a Yamaha pro logic receiver and am having trouble deciding among the B&K Ref 20, Acurus ACT-3, or the Marantz AV-9000. (I'm leaning toward the Acurus as I've heard they've corrected the "hum" problem). I'd like to keep it under $2K but could sacrifice and add a few hundred for great value. (B&K Ref 30?). I'm primarily a music (jazz, reggae, & R&B) listner, but enjoy high impact movies. My system consists of the Adcom GFA6000 5-channel amp, B&W DM604 3-way floor standing mains, Boston center channel and remotes, and a Paradigm PS-1200 sub. Any advice would be appreciated. Also, any suggestions on good but inexpensive ($50 - $60) interconnects would be a tremendous help. THANKS!!!
I support Coltrane's suggestion about the B&K Ref units. For the money, they are quite good, even with audio only applications. Then if you have some money left over, you could consider upgrading the amplifier. Just my .02
I have a acurus act3. I have had a lexicon dc1, sony 9000, denon decoder and a couple others. The act 3 (without the hum) is by far the best the runner up was the lexicon. Class A outputs on the Act3 along with bass management brings this unit over the top. The D/A converter I prefer to even Krell.
I think you should also investigate Adcom's new GTP-760. Adcom has long since corrected the problems it had with the "740", and the "760" will accept 24-bit / 96Khz audio inputs. The GTP-760 can be acquired new for around $1300 - send me an E-mail if you are interested in more info. (
Herb14, I run an B&K and it doesn't disappoint. It was a HUGE step over my Denon 3300. I use my system 50/50 music/movie and would buy B&K Pre/Pro again. Music sounds awesome. I have heard Krell, Lexicon, Proceed, Acurus, Meridian, Rotel and for the money I felt B&K was the pick. Would suggest Ref 30 for Video switching. Cables I use AudioTruth Opals which have been discontinued. They can be had for a fair price($70-90). AQ Quartz are cheaper and also a good value. Home Grown Audio cables have been talked about a bunch and seem to be a good value. Depending on what you are running, cable can make a big difference. I was using Monster. They are great business men apparently, but the AQ kills what I had. Hope this helps....Happy Listening.......LR
Herb14, I owned a Classe ssp25, which is one of the better sounding processors for two channel. When I bought it I compared it to B&K ref 20. Classe was much better. As good as the Classe is it does not even come close to the sound of a good line stage preamp for two channel. Several companys have units with a processor by-pass loops , Sonic Frontiers, Audio research, Vac, VTL, C&J, and others.