Difference between Krell HTS 1 & HTS 2

What exactly was wrong the original HTS 1? How did they fix it in the HTS 2? Does Krell offer an upgrade from a HTS 1 to HTS 2. I see on Krell's website they offer an upgrade from a HTS 2 to 7.1 for $1500. I just bought a HTS 1 (not even knowing about a HTS 2) cause I'm not interested in 7.1. Now I'm reading about lousy 2 channel sound in the HTS 1. Did I make a big mistake.

This is my first piece of what I would consider "high end" gear. So far it sounds good to me, but this is the beginning my system not the end and I feel my current equipment will not tell the whole story. Thanks in advance!
Hello Dlp600,

I, just as you did, bought the HTS1, used, as the center peice to my system. I've upgraded amps from Krell(KAV-500) to the Plinius SA-250mkIV and Aragon 8008x3b combo. I've upgraded spkers twice from B&W to Revel to Dynaudio. I also purchased a dedicated cdp (Metronome CD2V Sig.) and now only use my dvd player for movies. The only peice I can't seem to replace is the HTS and believe me I've tried. Every upgrade in equipment I perform I feel like I'm going to expose the HTS for what everyone else seems to think it is. But every time, it just keeps showing me that it IS a high end peice. I think what Kthomas said is accurate. Don't get caught up in all the hype. Just surround the HTS w/other quality peices and enjoy. I damn sure am.......John
I just called Krell. This is what I learned. The main difference between the HTS 1 & HTS 2 besides the analog bypass is the HTS 2 uses a 17.25" wide chassis. Therfore allowing for an easier upgrade path from the HTS 2 to HTS 7.1. I was told they were deciding on a upgrade for the HTS 1 and would have a decision in a month.
I appreciate everyones responses. You guys are right. I just need to stop thinking about what else is out there and listen to what I have...Now should I get a Classe CA 201 or a Plinius SA 100 MKll. It never stops!!! Thanks Again
Hey Dlp600,

I can't agree w/Kthomas more, especially since it's the same way I've done my set up.
Slartibartfast, just wanted to let you know that, according to a recent AUDIOREVOLUTION.COM review, Krell is offering an upgrade to the HTS 7.1 for HTS2 owners: "Owners of the Home Theater Standard 2 who bought one new from an authorized dealer can upgrade their units to the Home Theater Standard 7.1 at the Krell factory for $1,500. People who bought an HTS2 secondhand will need to pay $2,500 for upgrades."

AUDIOREVOLUTION also listed some of the significant changes: "The digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters utilized in the Home Theater Standard 7.1 are 24-bit and a step up from the Home Theater Standard 2. The video circuitry of the Home Theater Standard 7.1 is also upgraded and is fully compatible with large bandwidth high-definition video signals."

(I believe they also fixed the delay problem.) Hope this information is useful.