Anyone heard the new Reynaud Trente's

I have been thinking about buying a new pair of Speakers for my upstairs system. I have heard and like very much the Spendor 1/2, but I have never heard the new Reynaud Trent's. Can anyone give any insight into the differences, between these two speakers? Thanks very much for any assistance.
I own the Trente's and also a pair of spendor ls3/5a's. I have heard the 1/2's several times but do not own them. I have only had the Trente's for a few weeks and use them in a second system as such I have not formed a whole opinion yet. I love the Spendor sound but feel the Trente are very special in what they can do. I am not very good with the adjectives but you will want to try and hear these speakers before making a decision.
Glide3 I thank-you very much for your input. I realize these speakers are very new, therefore there is not a lot of customers out there with them as yet. Again thanks, Ted
A_e_watkins, My pleasure...please feel free to e-mail me if you want a more complete description. Regards-Kurt