Henry, Its more than being about warped records, if you read inbetween the lines of Kirkus's post above- if the effective mass is incorrect, you can actually have the stylus jump out of the groove of a perfectly flat, concentric LP.
An excellent example is a Grado on a Graham 2.2- does the well-known 'Grado dance' shortly before exiting stage left (IOW, jumps out of the groove).
The other issue is you won't be able to get the cartridge to track complex material correctly. So its a big deal and not just about warp.
An excellent example is a Grado on a Graham 2.2- does the well-known 'Grado dance' shortly before exiting stage left (IOW, jumps out of the groove).
The other issue is you won't be able to get the cartridge to track complex material correctly. So its a big deal and not just about warp.