Van Alstine products

Feedback on products, experiences, and service is requested.
I would like to add my impressions of the Fet amps. I have used Mac SS, Quicksilver Tube and Krell SS in my system. The AVA "to me" has mellower high end than the harsh sound of the Krell. I did not like the Krell much and it wasn't around very long. The AVA is not quite equal to the Quickie midrange but close. Where I think the AVA Fet amps excel is the tight punchy bass. I have not heard any amp in my listening experience that will provide that magic with the Maggies. For the $$ it is a hard powerhouse to beat. I have the hc 350 and cannot imagine why you would need the 550 but there are a lot of Power Maniacs out there that would love it. I have never had any buyers remorse with the AVA. Not with the Quicksilvers either. I am still smarting on the beating I took on the Krell but when I listen to the AVA Fet I heal up a little more all the time.
I owned one of the Van Alstine amps about ten years ago. The service and response were excellent like all of the people before me have said. I thought the imaging was very weak. It was tight and sold but it didn't have depth or body.