Tube Pre-amp beneficial?

Will a tube pre-amp "warm-up" my Martin Logan SL-3s if I am running a SS amp (Sunfire)? Or, do I need tubes throughout? I am currently using an Adcom GFP-565 in bypass mode, and I would like to upgrade the pre (staying under $1000) and add a remote, any recommendations from people with similar equipment would be appreciated.
As evidenced from the abpve replies, what works in one system may not yeild the same results in another. In general I would agree that a tube pre would introduce the tube coloration known as "warmth." Quite a benefit in a hard and bright sounding system. At the lower price spectrum I would suggest the Anthem pre-amp. It was mentioned above that it may not be tube like enough for you. I would like to mention that some simple tube rolling can make all the difference. Hard to beat at the prices I have seen it listed for lately. Good Luck
I bought a AES AE-3 tube pre-amp for the very same reason. It made a huge impact in my system and brand new is in your price range. I really think it has been my best purchase to date. Tube rolling is very easy since it only has two tubes and you can buy it with or without remote.
I had a 565/Rotel 991/Maggie 1.6 setup and recently upgraded to a Rogue 66 LSR. Big differences, although almost the opposite of what I would have expected. The 66 is far more detailed and fast - when I switch back to the Adcom it is much less resolving. Check out my review of the 66 and 99 on IMO, the 66 was superior to the CJ PV-10 and close to the BAT 3vki. The BAT had a "darker" tone which could be what you are looking for. The 99 was clearly superior to the BAT, but you are looking at $2K. I'm saving for the 99. The remote on the 66 is great, but if you go remote you do not get the phono stage. You have to get the 99 for both. My 2 cents, MIke
i just bought a joule LA 100 mk2 for $1200 used (quite a deal--and a lesson; you'll get lots more quality / sound for your dollar if you buy used--$1k will get you a NICE pre). this pre has made a huge difference in my musical enjoyment, as i have an extremely resolving system (merlin vsm milleniums, JPS superconductors, Joule + CJ MF2100 amp). i couldn't recommend a tube pre highly enough, but try first--some are great others are not (caveat: for your money, you cannot go wrong w/ rogue)
Hello Wsmatua, I have to agree with Beemer. Give the Bat a try. I also have the VK50se and it is just great! IMO it was better then pre-amps costing twice as much by quite a large margin. Start out with one of the basic models and then the road when you can afford it have it upgraded to an "SE" status. All the best, Tom