best amp

Classe' or Aragon Currently using aragon in my system. I now have a larger romm and plan on geeting larger speakers i.e. Dunluvy, Snell A RS, Duntech ??? Anyways I'll need a larger amp. I like the sound of Aragon, but need to double power or so. Like the Classe' too, but have not compared side by side. Should I keep my 8008BB, add to it and bi amp or consider the Classe' 401 and up. Have heard Krell, Mark Lev. and Proceed. Recommendations please!!! Chuck
Depends on your speakers, being an electrostatic fan, Roger West's Sound-Labs, are the best by far compared to all the others I have heard, I have to put my vote in for Atma-Sphere MA-2 Mk II, 220 watts of triode Class A power, I have never heard anything better at any store, CES show, or someone else's home. Marty
someone at audiogon has a pair of aronov ls9100 for $2k. that's a $6600. pair of amps that will blow the door off anything under 10 grand. if you like tubes take a look
try spectral amp/pre amp combo, its what I am using for my snells, great units for them...brings performance up to date since the snells have the resolution and detail ability to go with their flat power response.. I am using Spectral DMC 30 and DMA 150
Which ever one you like. All I can tell you is trust your own ears. If I told you my choice for best amp you may spend ten grand, get the damm thing home and think it sounds like shit! However, I would not recommend a Bi amp system.