best amp

Classe' or Aragon Currently using aragon in my system. I now have a larger romm and plan on geeting larger speakers i.e. Dunluvy, Snell A RS, Duntech ??? Anyways I'll need a larger amp. I like the sound of Aragon, but need to double power or so. Like the Classe' too, but have not compared side by side. Should I keep my 8008BB, add to it and bi amp or consider the Classe' 401 and up. Have heard Krell, Mark Lev. and Proceed. Recommendations please!!! Chuck
Which ever one you like. All I can tell you is trust your own ears. If I told you my choice for best amp you may spend ten grand, get the damm thing home and think it sounds like shit! However, I would not recommend a Bi amp system.
If you decide to go with Dunlavys, the newest Spectron is dynamite with that speaker line, as well as the slightly older Spectron Musician I, very affordable too. Get your speakers FIRST, then match your amp. Happy hunting.
I have found that there is a synergy between the amp and speakers. I've heard amp/speaker combos that dont cost top dollar and sound great. Likewise I've heard some mega buck amps that sound merly average with some speakers. Some of these synergys are well known and most dealers pick lines that work well together for obvious reasons. Never Never buy an amp one place and speakers another unless you've heard them together. The same goes for pre/power amps but to a lesser degree. For example the Simaudio w5 and maggie combo is one of the best if you like that sound. I have a mid fi system of anthem/paradigm that is great for the money. Please note I qualified that" for the money" . My opinion is that most speakers have an inherant sound that is enhanced by well matched power . I would suggest finding a speaker that suits your room, ear and music taste then research what power works well with it. Now in your case you have some very nice power so finding speakers that match well with the Aragon would be more cost effictive. Happy new year to all, cheers Steve.