
Has anyone heard the Volksamp 30? Any experience with this would be interesting...
Pass did sell the technology to volksamp...they are also making the amplifiers for Volksamp. Check out www.passlabs.com...I think they had some info on their site. The 30s do offer balanced inputs, a conventional chassis, and the power switch on the front. I had an Aleph 3, but I haven't heard (or heard anything about) the Volksamp.
I read somewhere that the Volksamp actually had either 3 or 6 db's ( can't remember which ) more headroom than the original Aleph 3's. Anyone know if this is true ? Sean >
I just bought a pass labs x-150. (Just burning in now). I auditioned this with an aleph 2. Still like the x stuff. I got a great price as well.
pass said there was no additional gain running balanced 18 months ago and that was the reason the the lack of the feature on the aleph 3