B K Reference 30 Audio/Video Preamp

Okay, I just got this thing set up. Sounds awesome. But the little voice in the back of my head is telling me that I'm missing something. I've listened to the Bryston SP-1, Lexicon(take your pick which model), Parasound, Acurus, Aragon, California Audio Labs. What it comes down to is cost. The stuff that sounds better, like the Bryston, costs a lot more. Does anyone know of any other Pre-processor in the B&K price range that I should listen to before my return period runs out? Thanks all, for any suggestions.
I listened to Integra after reading about them in Stereophile Guide to Home Theater. Nice stuff, but just a tad expensive for the Pre-pro. What impressed me about the B&K was the upgradability and the price, and most importantly, it sounded great. I kind of like the video switching, too, which rules out the Bryston. I've never really liked the sound from Parasound, so I'd rather not go there. One question though, for Samski: shouldn't the separate pre-pro Ref-30 sound better than the receiver just on the basis that it has its own box and power supply--removed from the amplifiers? Anyway, thanks all for the recommendations and article references. I'll be sure to check out Classe, Sunfire and Integra again.
B&K builds to a 'seperates' standard. I have the AVR202 (which has the Ref 20 pre-amp) and, for me, there is no reason to upgrade.
I have the Ref 30 and don't really want to part with it because of the Bass Management aspects and independent speaker volume control for each source. Do any of the more expensive processors being recommended here offer that? I'd be interested to know.
The Ref 30 is in it's own class at it's price it cleans house. The 307 is a ref 30 with cheaper amplifiers and hence the Ref will sound better than the 307. The next step up I'd say is the Tag and Integra piece but they are close to 2X the price.