Vote for the best center speaker here

What do y'all think? Thanks
For a change I thought I would give my opinion of the best center channel the Klipsch KLF C7
I am with Kelly, I prefer no center channel. With the proper speakers in the right place there is NO need to have a center channel.
No center? I want one for HT, but not music. If you want one, the best for the money spent is also the cheapest; the B&W CC-3 ($180 list). Sounds a lot better than their CC-6 ($350). You would have to spend at least $550 for the CDM center to do as well, but why spend 3 times as much? The CC-3 plays voices crystal clear, which is what I want a center for. I once had a Matrix HTM center and 2 Matrix 805s (for front) I picked up when I was planning to put together an HT system; but then sold them and had enough cash to pay for the entire surround speaker system; four new B&W 302s and the CC-3 (new), plus a used REL Q100E subwoofer. Other than clear voices, more than anything a really good sub is the best thing for HT, and makes up for the rest of the speakers. The REL Q100E is only $1000 list and was rated Class B by Stereophile.
Oh, I have a totally different system for music. I don't like to compromise there.